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Veterans Challenge Tournaments

CD Open Veterans attended last November 17th one of the Veterans Challenge tournaments organized by the Portuguese Hockey Federation in Lousada (Portugal).


09/12/2012|CD Open, NEWS, Novas, Sin categoría|Comentarios desactivados en Veterans Challenge Tournaments

CD Open was the champion of the International Veterans Open 2008

Club Deportivo Open was the champion of the International Veterans Open 2008. The organizers won for the first time their own tournament after finish undefeated the competition. Again, it was a great organizational and participating success even the women veterans exhibition match that finished equalized between the Ourense team against the Vigo-Coruña. The child zone, […]

01/09/2008|CD Open, CD OPEN, Sin categoría|Comentarios desactivados en CD Open was the champion of the International Veterans Open 2008

Triangular en Vilamario (Verin)

O pasado sábado dia 9 disputouse un triangular en Vilamario (Verin) coa
participación dos Veterans Verin, CD Open e Veterans Atlántico de Vigo. O torneo se xogou en herba natural nun dia espléndido. A victoria foi para o CD Open por golaverage. O remate tivo lugar un xantar magnífico organizado polo equipo anfitrión. Vea las fotos […]

10/02/2008|NEWS, Sin categoría|Comentarios desactivados en Triangular en Vilamario (Verin)